Sunday, March 28, 2010

Well, it has been a while since I have wrote in here.. But, its kinda boring when there is never anyone on here to comment back! lol
A lot has been going on.. But, lets talk about all the good things that have been going on!

First of all..
My oldest step daughters Jade and Autumn are in softball this year. There first big games are the 10th and we are really excited to be going. We have not been able to go to many practices which sucks.. But, Robbie works a lot so unfortunately we miss out on a lot but we make it to everything we can and the girls know we love and support them!

Shayleigh is doing great. She is getting soooo big! She is going to be a very girly girl.. She loves dresses,shoes, makeup and just all the girly things! (thank god) lol

Victoria is three now and she is talking REALLY good. She is really coming into her own lately.. Where she used to be a little shy and reserved she is becoming more social and wanting to do things on her own now.

Mason is 9 months now and he is walking ALL over the place and he has 6 teeth. He is a funny boy and everyone is just in love with him!

Robbie and I are doing really great. Last night we went and seen "Alice in Wonderland 3d" and it was pretty good.
March 24th was my 22nd birthday. Robbie brought me a cake home and sang happy bday to me and it was sweet. I also got the movie "The time travelers wife" The weekend before us and some friends went out for my bday and this weekend we have a craw fish boil.. So, I had more like a birth week.. haha!

Later on I will post pictures..

I am thinking about bringing my cat home today.. She has been living at my mothers since we moved here but she is becoming a issue because my mother got a bird and is getting another tomorrow that is a baby and she will have to keep it in a box in her room so.. I think today I might bring her home finally.

Finally got my first cs payment since a year the other day. But, we will see how long that lasts.. It will be really helpful with all that has been going on lately.