Friday, September 10, 2010

A little of this and a little of that!

Well, I have slacked off on writing in my blog a little but I have just been a scatter brain and with kids it's hard to really just sit down for an extended period of time and write, or at least it is in my house because I have a 1 year old who is like a tornado! He climbs everything and get's into EVERYTHING!! Speaking of that, He has learned to climb into, and out of his crib. The other day I heard an awful screech from the kid's shared bedroom. I run in their and Mason has climbed on the bed and is taking barbies from my daughter and she goes "MOMMA MASON WONT LEAVE ME ALONE!" So I told her to go get on the other bed and she goes "HE WILL CLIMB UP THERE TOO!!" So I was thinking to myself.. Baby crib.. Sturdy enough to hold her and he cant possibly reach her in there.. So I put her in it lmao and told her to play with them in their.. Well, 5 minutes later the awful screech is back.. Mason has climbed INTO his crib from the outside and is messing with her..
Then, the next day 12 rolls around and it's time for his nap. So I give him a sippy cup, lay him down,kiss him and leave the room. 20 mins later I am hearing stuff stir around so I peek in and their he is on the floor looking at books!!
There is no stopping this child, He is just all over the place and into everything. I never knew having a boy would be so exciting. There is NEVER a dull moment in my home with Mason. I was never happy with knowing Mason would be my last child, I still am not completly happy about it because I love all my children so much that I just wish I could have atleast one more. Another boy. But, I must say he is the PERFECT way to complete my family.

We had Victoria for 5 day's and I loved it, but it's always hard to see her go when she is with me for an extended period of time. I wish she could stay forever. Sadly her sisters Jade and Autumn have not seen her for a month now and wont until November because the weekends are opposite until then.

I have ordered Shayleigh's fifth Birthday outfit. It's a tutu and a top with bloomers and a bow and I can not wait to see it. She is having a Hannah Montana Birthday! :-) I can't believe she is about to be 5 years old, time has flew by way to quickly for me!
It's also hard to believe Robbie and I have been married for almost TWO years now. We have had our fights but what couple hasn't? I think it keeps the fire alive! lol Nothing like a good ole fight! It's making up that's the best part if ya ask me! :-) The grass is greener on MY SIDE of the fence!

I got a book the other day and I finished it the day I got it. It was sooooo good! It's called "What's worth knowing" by Wendy Lustbader. It's a contemplation of stories by every day people in their 70's,80's,90's and beyond about what is worth knowing in life. Thing's that will and won't matter in the end. It is very inspiring and it was a fast and easy read and I loved every bit of it. I think alot of you will like it if you are interested in uplifting and inspiring books.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Today I got A LOT done! My whole house is pretty much caught up on other than the kids room and it's really not even that bad. Just a few things here and there and of coarse my never ending laundry basket it still full! I hate laundry and it seems to never come to an end! lol I don't mind putting it in the washer, or even sprinkling the powder on it and turning it on, or even putting it in the dryer, its the FOLDING and then hanging everything up and putting all the clothes in the right drawers that I hate the most. We are a family of seven so I have FOUR dressers I am working with and all have their own places.. lol So I am constantly in different room's and in different drawers, It is just VERY tiring! lol But not as tiring as working out in the hot sun all day, so I am not going to complain too much.

I have been trying to un clutter my house little by little. Today I got my bathroom closet all nice and organized for once.. I have TONS of medacines as a family of Seven.. So today I took the time and put them in individual baggies by creams, cold and cough,ect and then put them in a wicker basket instead of all thrown around in the top shelf! Here are some pictures to make this more interesting!

This is my bathroom closet BEFORE the cleanup! See, how the med's are just thrown at the top lol Even my hair products and bath stuff are not in the right places.. So we made a fix!
Ah, I somehow loaded this sideways, so just cock you're head to the side like a good sport and you will get the picture! Here is all the stuff BEFORE it was organized!

This is the new easy to find what I need home for our family medicines. I really needed to do this because I found outdated stuff in their and empty boxes, it was a mess!

I even decided to organize everything else in my bathroom! I put all of my hair accessories in individual bages, scrunches in one,bobby pins in another, and clips in another and of coarse my curing iron and straighter are in the bucket as well!

My bathroom counter!

Just some headbands and stuff that found a home!

My makeup! :-) In it's own little container instead of thrown on the shelf in the closet
All of my smelly good stuff! Perfumes,Body Sprays,Lotion,Deodorant!

My hair products!

And this is my complete cabinet! Looks MUCH nicer than from before!

School has been going great for Shayleigh she is really loving it and is now learning how to write her name and she is doing really good at it too.

Shayleigh's learning to write her name! Doing good!

Cute little thing she made at school! I have started hanging the craft's she does up on my bedroom wall, can you say PROUD MAMA?!?

She wanted me to take a picture of her with her headband! lol

It's sideways but it's cute, This is my one year old son Mason who decided to pull my pot out from under the cabinet and got stuck in it, I put it back and 1o minuntes later he is getting it out again!