Saturday, November 27, 2010

Figured I would write, I haven't in a while.
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. I had a pretty good one. Me and the husband went and did the black Friday shopping.Last year I said I was not going again. Well, I was out in it again this year and I will be next year as well. BUT, I will not be going to the toy stores. Those places are CRAZY! I did make the mistake this year of going to Old Navy when the doors opened and omg.. It was HORRIBLE! I got in their found some AWESOME deals and really cute stuff I had like 10 things picked out then I went to find the line to check out and HOLY COW! The line was wrapped all around the store!!! I put my stuff down and just left.. BUT I came back after I hit up a few more places and went home for a few hours and I got ALL the same stuff I had picked out without the horrible line wait! I got each of the older girls a pair of jeans for $10 each, I got Jade a shirt with hello kitty since she is really into that sorta thing, I got Autumn a shirt with a horse on it because she is a horse freak. I got Mason a star wars once, Because of his daddy.. Nuff said! lol I got Victoria a Micky Mouse shirt because she is TOTALLY obsessed with Mickey Mouse. I was hoping she would out grow the dang thing by now but a year later I am still buying things with him on it! lol I bought Shayleigh a Belle shirt from Beauty and the beast. I thought the deals where really good and as long as they continue the sales like that I will be back every year! Crazies out or not! lol JcPenny also had a really good sale but I didn't get anything because I was really short on cash that night. The next day we went and bought some more stuff and I did get each of the kids something. I got Tori a baby doll, Shayleigh and Autumn these littlw toys. Farmers, one had a cow and chickens with it and the other had a horse and bee's with it. I also got Shayleigh some Hannah Montana body spray and lotion and I got Jade this thing that is really neat. It's a crimper,Straightner, and curling iron all in one. Mason got a train set.
I am no where near done but it's a start!

I have no idea what to get my husband. I really hate buying for men because I never know what to get. I just hope I have the money to get him anything after I finish the kids.

Think I may go crawl up in bed with my son!

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